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      « Going by Faith | Main | Family Day »

      God Works in Mysterious Ways

      Karen Bartos--Adventure Challenge Team

      God moves in mysterious ways.  In 2007, I had the privilege of being in the
      Summer Leadership School Program and co-counseled a cabin of eighth-graders
      with Nancy Swider-Peltz, Jr.  Our picture
      is below.

      That summer I discovered how much I really love just “doing
      life” with campers – walking faithfully in the events of each day and sharing
      in whatever situations or conversations that come up.  Being a counselor is a unique role balanced
      somewhere between friend and authority, maybe more like a guide or older
      sister.  The experience taught me about
      being an authoritative leader and
      loving friend on emotional, physical and spiritual levels.


      So, imagine my joy when I discovered that this summer (2010)
      all of my eighth-graders are back doing various HoneyRock high school
      programs!  Three girls did Adventure
      Camp, two just finished the Sawtooth Mountains wilderness
      trip, and one is an Assistant Counselor. 
      Below you will find our picture from this morning, the first time this
      summer that our schedules had us all in one place!

      But why is that so cool? 
      When campers come back to HoneyRock over multiple years, it reminds me
      of the complexity of how God works.  He
      worked through Nancy, me and the girls to impact each other's lives at HoneyRock
      in summer 2007, and He had to have worked
      in their lives outside HoneyRock to bring them to a place where HoneyRock can
      once again work in their lives in summer 2010. 
      When I think of the minimal impact that I and HoneyRock have by our own
      effort, I know that it is by God’s sovereignty and power working through
      me and beyond me that allows us to see His work in our lives.  I love these girls so much, but as I am
      flawed and cannot care for them continuously, I am thankful for a God who loves
      them through other people at HoneyRock over the summers and through His work
      for eternity.

      2007 Cabin 11 in 2010

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