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      « God Works in Mysterious Ways | Main | Camper Worship »

      Family Day

      Liz Henderson--Program Team Assistant

      Family Day begins at 1:30pm today.  Parents can come down to the Barn to sign up for a one-on-one with their child's counselors.  Then families can enjoy the afternoon together, participating in activities and watching the rodeo.  They can also watch the ski show while eating a delicious BBQ dinner.  Family Day at HoneyRock is unique.  Several months ago John Vandervelde, HoneyRock Program Director, was asked to write a brief article for the Christian Camp and Conference Association (CCCA) about Family Day.  Below you will find what he wrote.

      About 20
      years ago HoneyRock
      (Three Lakes,
      Wis.) started Family Day as a way to have parents be more involved in their kid’s
      experience, and today staff consider it a crucial part of their
      Participating in
      Family Day is how parents can maximize their investment of sending their
      to HoneyRock. They learn hands on what happened in their child’s life at
      as they experience life at HoneyRock for the day. One of the activities
      is a
      meeting for parents to get to know the director and other staff. Parents
      get to spend some important time with their child’s counselor or trip
      “We see ourselves as a partner with
      parents in helping them
      raise their kids for Christ and His kingdom. Family Day is about us
      learning about parents and their needs and concerns,” Program Director
      Vandervelde says.
      Family Day takes
      place on the last Thursday afternoon of each session (Friday afternoon
      one-week camp). At no charge, all parents and siblings can come and
      enjoy a
      rodeo, ski show, dinner and evening activities.
      “The connections we make
      with families are worth every dime we spend feeding them dinner,” John
      says. “Parents who come to Family Day are often so thrilled at the
      experience that they commit to sending their kids back the following
      because of it. They also become donors and prayer partners. It is
      well worth the expense.”

      We are so blessed by the families who make the trek up to HoneyRock for Family Day and we are thankful for their continued investment in the lives of their children.

      Below are some pictures from our first Family Day of the summer.






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