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      "HoneyRock, this is Becki (or Sarah or Liz or Elizabeth)"

      If you have ever dialed the main HoneyRock number and not entered an
      extension, then odds are good that the phone was answered by one of
      these four women in the office.  50% of the time Sarah answers the
      phone.  25% of the time Elizabeth answers the phone.  15% of the time Becki answers the phone.  And 10% of the time it's Liz.

      Sarah is the HoneyRock Receptionist this summer and is the one
      who is most likely to answer the phone.  Elizabeth is
      our Registration Coordinator and she has the most knowledge of campers
      and cabins and schedules.  Becki is the Administrative
      Assistant who is paying the bills and writing contracts but also
      answers the phone when Sarah is already speaking with someone.  Liz
      is the Program Team Assistant who graciously answers the
      phone when all the other lines are busy and the phone just keeps on
      ringing.  Contrary to popular belief, Liz and Elizabeth are two different people!

      All four of these ladies enjoy their jobs and love to answer the
      phone.  We thought it might be fun for you to see faces to put with the
      names of the people you speak with!

      (Pictured from left to right are Becki Henderson, Liz Henderson, Elizabeth Baltus and Sarah Gallagher)

      Office Girls 2010

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      Reader Comments (1)

      What a beautiful bunch of ladies!! And, of course, I love all your "outfits." :)
      July 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKari

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