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      Living on a Prayer

      Well, in the famous words of Bon Jovi, we are definitely half way there as far as making it through the summer goes.  This depends a little bit on how you define the actual start and end dates of the summer--does it start when the SLS counselors get here?  Does it end when the last Res Camper goes home or not until the Passage bus raises a cloud of dust as it leaves the Chrouser Parking Lot?  But by any definition we are more than halfway done with the summer.

      Bon Jovi's lyrics to the song "Livin' on Prayer" use the phrase "We're halfway there livin' on a prayer" which I think is applicable to our lives here at HoneyRock.  We do a lot of praying here.  We pray before meals and we pray after devos in the mornings.  We pray during our meetings, we pray during the Cabin Impact times.  We pray individually and we pray together.  We pray "popcorn" style and we pray in an organized fashion (depending on who is leading--some of us do better with the organization...)

      We are so thankful that the God of the Universe who is the God of HoneyRock hears all of our prayers. There are two verses in Psalm 116 which say in the New Living Translation "I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy.  Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!" 

      Imagine that!  A God who bends down to listen to our prayers!  Today we are thankful for a God who inclines His ear to HoneyRock and listens intently to all the things we say.  


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