But before we talk about Res campers coming, we want to highlight a tool that will help those campers who have left. Transitioning back home can be tough, especially for those who have spent a longer time at camp, like our 2:22ers who were with us for almost one month. That's why we have put together this post to help navigate that change from a temporary community, camp, to a permanent community, home.
For those of you with campers in Advance Camp, the men made it safely back from their wilderness trip. The women will leave tomorrow after lunch and plan to return this Saturday. Look for updated pictures of Advance Camp in our photo gallery tomorrow!
Today, we welcome our final session of Res campers! This morning, SLS continued preparing for campers while Activity Staff was busy reviewing lifeguarding skills.

If you are the loved one of a Res camper, you're probably wondering what they do on their first day to adjust to camp. Here's a peak at their schedule for the first night!
3:30/4:00 - Arrive
4:15 - Intro Skit by Unit Leaders, introducing the camp theme
4:30 - Girls begin swim test while boys play large group games
5:00 - Boys make their way to the swim test
5:50 - Zacco begins (Wondering what Zacco is? Stay tuned this week!)
6:00 - Dinner
6:45 - Dinner clean-up & head to waterfront for Activity Area Opening Show
7:45 - Cabin introductions at tent
9:00 - Back to cabin, get ready for bed
9:30 - Cabin Reflection
10:00 - Lights Out!
It's a full first day, but one that works to ensure camper safety and familiarity with faces at camp. We're as excited today as we were on day one to share this experience with them for the next two weeks!
Remember, beginning this Wednesday, we update our photo gallery for Res Camp every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - check in to see what your child is up to! Forgot to sign up for our camper {e}mail option? You still can, click here!