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      Entries in Intro Camp (2)


      Welcome Back!

      It's been a busy start to the summer here at HoneyRock! Last night, our Assistant Counselors arrived - all excited to be back up at camp for the next eight weeks. Our Assistant Counselor program is the final step of the camper progression - the ACs are ready to cap their HoneyRock camper experience with an incredible summer of service. We'll keep you posted with their stories!

      While our oldest campers just arrived, in one week we will welcome our youngest: Intro Campers. We thought you parents might want some information that may help the packing experience and transition to camp. If you're wondering what to pack, check out our packing list. Since it gets chilly at night, make sure to bring all your layers, and don't forget the bugspray!

      While packing with your camper is one way to prepare them for camp, check out our other tips to help ease the transition away from home.

      Have you figured out how your child is getting to camp? If questions arise, all of our transportation information can be found here. Instead of having your child ride back down to Wisconsin or Illinois on a bus after camp, come and visit us on Family Day! We love meeting our campers' loved ones and they love showing you around their new digs - just be sure to register!

      Remember: It takes a few days for mail to get to HoneyRock. If you want to send a letter to your camper in Intro Camp, start writing! We love getting those letters a little early so they're ready for your little one. Those handwritten words are so comforting during their time here! We also provide the opportunity for parents to email their campers throughout their session - here's a step by step process of how to send your messages.

      Also, to our Intro Camp parents: watch your inbox for a special video from the media team up here at camp! We've made an extra-special video this summer to introduce you to a few of the programs. Intro Campers, make sure to watch the Res Camp section - those are your counselors...they can't wait to meet you and share their favorite things at camp!


      Are You Ready?

      Our Assistant Counselors got to camp this afternoon and Intro and Advance campers will arrive one week from today! We're so excited to finally welcome campers to HoneyRock for the summer.

      Preparing for camp can be a stressful time for parents and campers - sometimes what should be a time of excitement is overshadowed by a cloud by anxiety. However, it doesn't have to be that way! Here are 5 simple things parents can do to better prepare their children for camp and lower the stress level of the transition.

       1. Set some goals and expectations:

      Talk to your child about camp and what it's all about. Watch the videos on the website.  Talk to other families who have been to HoneyRock before. While you can't prepare your children for everything, you can give them some idea of what to expect. It will also give you a good opportunity to set some goals for camp.

      Some sample goals:

      • I want to do Solid Rock Club.
      • I want to get an Intermediate in Sailing.
      • I want to become friends with 3 new people - kids not from my school or church.

      2. Practice being away from home:

      We highly recommend this for new campers who are going away to camp for the first time. Have your child do an overnight at Grandma and Grandpa's house or another close friend's house without you. This will give them some experience in being away from home before they head off to camp.

      3. Begin praying about camp:

      Set aside some time at meals or before bed to pray about camp. Pray for your child's cabin mates, their counselors, the bus ride up to camp, the Bible studies they will participate in, the activities they will do, and for safety while they are at camp.

      4. Don't make promises you can't or don't intend to keep.

      As parents we often make little promises to our children in order to alleviate their fears before they leave for camp. It can be devastating to a camper if those promises aren't met. Some examples:

      • Don't promise you'll be at Family Day if you aren't planning on it.
      • Don't tell your child they have $100 in their Beehive account.
      • Don't promise they will know everyone in their cabin.
      • Don't tell you child that you come and pick them up if they don't like camp.
      • Don't tell them it won't rain and that there are no bugs.

      5. Read through the Information Packet.

      The Information Packet contains packing lists, transportation information, as well as forms to have ready before you arrive for bus check-in. Download the PDF Information Packet for your child's session.