Divine Coincidences
John Vandervelde - Program Director
Have you ever experienced a coincidence? Sure, we all have. But have you ever experienced a coincidence and had the thought that there was more going on that it seemed? Something spiritual was happening. God was working and it wasn't just mere coincidence, it was deeply spiritual. Coincidences occur in life all the time and the world normally dismisses them with a chuckle. I often find myself doing the same thing, but today I'm amazed at how God works in the details and that in all the small things we call coincidences, God is doing something amazing. There are no mere coincidences with God; he is always working.
I think I experienced my first "divine coincidence" when I was 16. I went on a missions trip for 8 weeks to the country of Madagascar (the large island off the Eastern coast of Africa). After working there for the summer my team and I left the island and spent a week resting and debriefing in Moscow, Russia. It was in 1994 and communism had just fallen in the Soviet Union. Part of our rest and debriefing was spending a day shopping in Moscow. Our team divided up into three or four smaller groups and decided to all meet back up at 5:00pm. After searching all over Moscow for old Soviet military memorabilia my friends and I decided it was time to head back to the meeting place. As we turned and began to walk back it didn't take us long to figure out we were terribly lost. Panic set in and despite our experience surviving the summer in Africa and being fully outfitted in Russian military gear, we were like lost little boys wishing we had our mommies. We frantically prayed, searched for English speakers, and looked at our map which was of course useless because it was in Russian.
After about 2 hours of combing the street of Moscow looking for our meeting spot and our group, hopelessness set in. We wandered the crowded streets but just kept making circles. The streets were so crowded that if you didn't pay attention to where you were going you would run into people or get run into. Suddenly, not looking where I was going, I slammed into the back of the man walking in front of me. He turned around, wearing a Yankees hat, and in a hearty New York accent said, "Man, what the heck is your problem!" It was like he was speaking in the tongues of angels. He wasn't just an English speaking Russian, he was an American. I literally hugged this guy. After the awkwardness I apologized to him and explained our situation. He was a college student spending a semester in Russia. He knew exactly how to get to where we needed to go, and he even walked us there. As we thanked him for his help he said, "Yeah--kind of a cool coincidence we ran into each other."
As I look back over my life there are so many small coincidences, albeit not as dramatic as my Moscow experience, that I now understand to be more than that--they were divine coincidences. God is alive and working in the details of our lives, all the details, all the time. The things we dismiss as coincidences are often the times when God is revealing something about Himself or are times when we need to act.
So today, as we go about our busy lives let's stop and look for the divine things and the spiritual things that are happening in the details and in the coincidences of the day. Maybe God is showing us something about himself and/or maybe he wants to inspire us to action.
Prayer Requests
1. Please join us in praying for Dan, Ann, Craig and the entire Rock Team on the Wheaton campus. The next two days are a crucial time of student recruiting as they have recruiting tables set up on campus and will be having many conversations with students. Pray for God to prompt the right students to stop by the tables and talk to HoneyRockers about the upcoming summer.
2. We are continuing to lift up Ethan Welsh, nephew of former staff members John and Lauren Welsh. He is making incredible progress after being struck by a car 5 weeks ago. Praise the Lord that he is now able to sit up, move around and talk. Please pray for the continued healing of his body.