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      « Divine Coincidences | Main | Round-Up 2009 »

      A sending place - by Karen Bartos

      Karen Bartos - Group Program Coordinator

      Today's entry comes from Karen Bartos.  Karen recently graduated from Wheaton College with a degree in Philosophy and Psychology.  She was in the Summer Leadership School (SLS) in 2007 and did the Adventure Ministry Program (AMP) in 2009.  Currently she is on staff here for 15 months serving as our Group Program Coordinator.  Karen's entry today caps off our series on looking at the HoneyRock core values.  Enjoy!

      Since my role at HoneyRock has shifted, I’ve been again thinking about HoneyRock’s overall mission, and thus how my specific role within it has changed. 
      I have been a college student and counselor periodically involved with
      HoneyRock for the past three years, and have experienced God’s work in this
      place on those levels.  Yet now I am part
      of the winter staff, and I find that, not surprisingly, my role and perspective
      have changed.  Not to say that I will stop
      growing from my experiences here now – good heavens, far from it – I’m pretty
      sure that this stage of life will be as formative as if not more formative than college itself.  But instead of a student-participant to be intentionally
      poured into, I am part of the team that facilitates and does the "pouring in".  This team’s general mission is that of
      preparing students for ministry, which is necessary for the ministry which
      HoneyRock does accomplish in summer camps and winter retreats.

      In the Summer of 2008, I merely
      visited HoneyRock for a weekend while camp was in session.  I felt oddly put out by not getting to be at
      HoneyRock for the entire summer, but thankfully a conversation with Nancy Long changed my attitude.  Rather than
      flaunting the privilege of being at HoneyRock all the time, she reminded me of
      her role as a provider and minister to those who do pass through.  (Note: “flaunting” is never something of
      which Nancy
      would be accused.)  While HoneyRock does
      become a proverbial "home" to many people through the intense experiences and
      family-like community, it is not a stopping place. And instead of pouting about
      that, we can rejoice in the fact that what is done on camp property has
      ramifications beyond HoneyRock, for God’s work is present here at HoneyRock, on
      earth and eternally.  As I, and we,
      prepare our specific areas for another season of learning, keeping this
      perspective gives us the peace through which to take joy in the particulars of

      News and Events:

      1)  8 new Graduate Program Assistants (GPAs) arrive on November 30.  This crew will be here for 9 months.  Please join with us in praying for them.

      2)  Winter retreat season starts on December 27.  We still have space available this winter; spread the word.

      Karen working on the ropes course this past summer.

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