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« Res, Advance, 2:22 and more! | Main | All About SmugMug »

Intro Camp Banquet

Yesterday Intro Campers had a busy morning: breakfast, Cabin Impacts, worship, and activities. After lunch, their day continued in a not so normal way: Adventure Fest! Instead of our typical activities, Activity Staff and Service Team put on a sort of "Field Day"...HoneyRock style. 

Besides helping out with Adventure Fest, some of our Service Team (ST) put up the 2:22 tents while others went into town to serve at a local community center. We've got a lot of long-time HoneyRockers in this ST bunch. Earlier at the Fest, one remarked how cool it was to be on the other side of Intro/Res Camp and more into the "behind the scenes" of making camp work. We love our Service Team group - tonight, they set up for BANQUET - a crazy fun night for all in the dining hall.

Advance Camp boys are still out on trip and doing well as the Advance Camp girls are here in camp. Remember, we can't take pictures of them out on trip, but when they get back we'll be sure to update the SmugMug page! 

Tomorrow is Family Day for our Intro Campers! Can you believe their first week of camp is almost over? It has absolutely flown by for us. If you're visiting camp (and we hope you are!), please be mindful of the following things:

  • No dogs! It's a camp policy - even if they're cute, we can't have them on camp.
  • A Place Apart: We ask that cell phones are put away while at HoneyRock - please take advantage of the opportunity to fully unplug and engage in the HoneyRock experience!
  • Look for the Check-In table right by the entrance to the barn area - we'll let you know about the day's schedule then.
  • Don't forget to check the lost & found area as well as picking up any medication your camper brought to camp. Check your schedule (given at Check-In) for more information.
  • Campers stay on the final night. The last night as a cabin is so important to wrapping up their time at HoneyRock. You'll see them bright and early Saturday morning! 

Thanks for working with us to make it a great family day. Safe travels!

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