What is Zacco?

Earlier this week, we mentioned a thing called "Zacco". It's a funny name, we'll admit, but is a well-loved HoneyRock meal-time tradition.
About twenty minutes before every meal, the big bell on Chrouser's front porch rings. That signals that campers have 10 minutes get to Zacco. After those ten minutes pass, a loud "SUPPPPPP" is heard all around camp. The Unit Leaders are yelling to start the time of song (and a little bit of dance!). Campers reply with the same word, "SUPPPPP!".
The Unit Leaders lead the crowd in some rowdy songs like "Reece's Pieces", "Rigabamboo", and others. It's just a fun time to come together, sing some songs, and let off some energy before meals.
Other parts of camp are having fun too! Advance Camp men have spent the day rafting at the Wolf River while the Advance Camp women are enjoying their last day out on their wilderness trip. Res boys are all out on trip, which means tonight is Girls Night for the Res Camp girls.
Family Day is in a little less than one week! Have you registered? If not, click here!

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