A Look Around Camp

Today we're just going to take a quick look around camp and see what everyone is up to. If you want to see more pictures, visit the Res Camp or the Advance Camp photo pages - Advance Camp was updated yesterday and Res Camp today!
Res Camp: The older Res Camp boys left yesterday on their two night wilderness trip, while the younger boys packed out this morning. They will all return tomorrow after lunch! The girls leave on their wilderness trip early next week, but tonight they celebrate "Women's Night", as all of the guys in Res Camp are out on trip. The girls will have a cake decorating contest as well as a time of fellowship in Chrouser. Pictures of this event to come Monday!
Advance Camp: Advance Camp women are still out on trip! We're excited to welcome them back into camp tomorrow. We just saw the Advance Camp men pull into camp after a long day rafting on the Wolf River. Tomorrow, they will make the much needed laundry run into Eagle River. This Monday and Tuesday Advance Camp groups will take turns at the High Ropes Course, working together to complete the elements.
2:22: We haven't heard much from 2:22, but that's a good thing! They have been doing well out on trip, working their way up and down trails and rivers. This was taken right before this group got in a van to get to their starting point.
Service Team: Service Team spent last night in Three Lakes watching the fireworks. Today marks the last day of this week's job rotations, which vary from on camp to off camp kinds of work. We have seen them helping at out at the barn, putting on a new roof, chopping wood, starting kayak races at Olympic Fest...the list is endless! We're so thankful for how they serve camp.
Assistant Counselors: Week one of the first Res Camp session is almost done, and the Assistant Counselors are still going strong! The men are out on trip as the women prepare for "Women's Night" with their campers. They are all doing a great job leading their campers in Cabin Impacts, Camper Worship, Activities, and other aspects of HoneyRock. We're proud of the work and growth they are experiencing!
Visit the blog tomorrow to see a brand new addition to camp!

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