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      Meet Ashley Kiley: Advance Camp Program Coordinator

      Ashley Kiley, originally from Irvine, California, comes to HoneyRock from the University of Southern California. During the school year, she serves in Wheaton at the HoneyRock Southwoods office while balancing the CFM Masters program. While Ashley has been at HoneyRock since October of 2011, this is her first summer as Advance Camp Program Coordinator. 

      When asked why she enjoys Advance Camp, Ashley replied, "I love 9th grade...this is such an important time to build a solid foundation going into High School. I believe God works in mighty ways through a transitional season like this." Ashley also shared an awesome story of how this group of Advance Camp women has come together this session:

      All of the female cabins decided to complete Solid Rock, stepping up to take on the callenge. Participating in Solid Rock means waking up as early as 5:30 most mornings of camp to run to the Rock and back, swim 10 lengths of the swim area, memorize scripture, and serve camp. Today, we visited them as they worked on their service project. Timber Hollow, the group of cabins that Advance Camp calls home, needed a little work on the pathways. They broke out the shovels and rakes and got to work!



      But don't worry, we're not forgetting about the Advance Camp men! They have been learning new skillsworking on awards, spending time in the Word & in worship. It's been an awesome experience to see them explore, learn, and serve during their time here. 

      We can't wait for you to join us tomorrow for Family Day. For those of you who can't make it, know that they will have great stories to tell once they return home!

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      Reader Comments (1)

      Ashley Kiley! I miss my Ashley! But I'm glad my daughter got to enjoy the fruit of all her work! Can't wait to catch up on how the summer has gone so far!

      July 10, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDonna Struthers

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