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      « HoneyRock Says Goodbye to Campers, Hello to Students | Main | Today at HoneyRock... »

      Make a Joyful Noise

      Elizabeth Baltus - Registration Coordinator

      "Come let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation." Psalm 95:1

      One of my favorite times of the morning is when I get to escape from the office for 30 minutes and go to Camper Worship.  Sometimes I participate in the songs, and other times I just stand in the back and take it all in.  I love the sight of campers and counselors having fun together.  There is something very powerful about hearing a tent full of campers and counselors sing, and even shout, the lyrics to songs that claim truths like "there is no god like Jehovah."

      Below are some pictures from today's camper worship, which included not just the Res. Campers, but the Advance Campers, the DTPers, all their counselors and the Unit Leaders.

      Camper Worship!!! 005

      Camper Worship!!! 020

      Camper Worship!!! 029

      Camper Worship!!! 033

      Camper Worship!!! 042

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