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      « Preparing Students for Mission - by Rick Masters | Main | Divine Coincidences »

      Thankfulness - by Becki Henderson

      Becki Henderson - Administrative Assistant

      Psalm 68:6a (Amplified Bible)

      God places the solitary in families and gives
      the desolate a home in which to dwell…”

      Among the many blessings God has poured out on me, one that
      I am continually thankful for is my living situation.  I have had the privilege of living in a
      lovely apartment with a wonderful family since I returned from Africa four years ago. 
      I spent almost a year homeschooling two missionary girls in a village in
      Central African Republic.  My house here is three and half miles from
      HoneyRock (the perfect distance) and comes complete with my own kitchen and
      living room and bedroom all to myself, but love and laughter and fun if I go up
      the stairs to spend time with Brach and Cheryl and their three beautiful
      children (and one more on the way.)  It
      also has a washer and dryer right there, and after living in the rain forest
      for nearly a year, I still do not take for granted a machine that washes my
      clothes, and a separate machine that dries them and makes them fluffy!  Clothes and towels will dry on a line if you
      hang them in the African sun, but it takes a machine to make them fluff!  I missed that while I was in Africa.

      So today I am thankful for the family I live with.  Who do you live with?  Your parents, your spouse, your children,
      your grandparents, your roommates?  Are
      you thankful for them?  Take a moment to
      tell them that you’re glad you get to live with them.  And thank God for the home (and electric
      appliances!) He has provided for you.

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