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      Broomball is the name of the game...

      Broomball is a very popular winter sport here at HoneyRock.  It is similar to hockey, but instead of using a puck, it is played with a ball that is about the size of your hand.  No skates are needed in this game. The stick is made of wood or aluminum with a plastic wedge on the end.  It is played on a court that is about the size of a basketball court, and is similar to hockey where each team defends its goal and tries to score on the other team's goal.  The goal is a similar size to a hockey goal.  The game starts with two people in a “face off” at the center of the court, and starts again the same way after each goal.  Team sizes vary, and can be a little as 3 on 3, up to 10 on 10 or more.  The ideal number is about 7 on 7.  Broomball is really challenging because the players have to run, stop, and turn quickly on the slick ice with just their boots.  In order to lower the potential for injuries, several precautions are used such as no high sticking, no checking or physical contact, and the requirement that all players wear a helmet, including the goalie who wears a goalie mask.  Broomball is definitely a favorite winter activity for groups and staff.  When retreat groups are here, you can always see the court lights at night and hear the laughter and excitement coming from that area of camp.


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