Some Christmas Fun...
Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 3:50AM

John Vandervelde - Program Director   

We all can feel it--Christmas is in the air.  Christmas can bring a sense of anxiety for many people as they wonder what to buy, what to wear, and how to make their money stretch.  We know that Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Christ (while making memories with family and friends!), but for some reason we become bogged down by the busyness of the season, the stuff we think we need to buy, and the parties we think we need to attend. 

Last night we had our annual HoneyRock Christmas party.  It was a time for eating cookies, making crafts, decorating the dining hall and having fun together as a family.  This year we decided to throw an extra dose of crazy fun into the party.  This year's party involved a "Ridiculous Christmas Outfit Costume Contest".  Haley Ledbetter was the contest winner!  Basically we all put on crazy sweaters, red and green clothing, and anything else ridiculous we could find.  It was a blast, and it served as a reminder to us that fun and laughter bring joy to our lives and to our community.    

I hope this Christmas you make time to have some good, healthy fun with those you love.  Don't let the anxiety of the season overwhelm you.  While you thank the Lord for the birth of Christ, I challenge you to let fun and celebration fill your heart and be the place where you spend your time and energy.  

Below are some pictures from our party.  Enjoy! 


Bill & Nancy Long


Haley Ledbetter "Key West Santa"


The Vandervelde Family

Karen Bartos as Rudolph


Dan and Meredith Elsen

Rick Masters as Santa being pulled by his Reindeer, the GPAs.

Article originally appeared on HoneyRock (
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