John Vandervelde - Program Director
Today we're going to take a break from writing about the HoneyRock core values because I want to share a powerful article we read in our staff devotional time this morning. Bill Long read this article to us and we were moved as we thought about the awesomeness of our Creator.
As you work with your hands today--whether it is hammering a nail, changing a diaper, making a meal, dressing a child for school, typing on a keyboard, fixing a car, or tying your shoes--stand in awe of our loving and amazing Creator.
Article - Made in His Image: The Connecting Power of Hands ( Requests & Praises:
1) We praise God for our bodies that are so creatively built by our loving God.
2) We pray for Nancy Long's family as they grieve the loss of Nancy's uncle from PA.
3) We continue to pray for complete healing for Ethan Welsh, nephew of former staff members John and Lauren Welsh, as he continues to recover in the hospital after being struck by a car a little over two weeks ago. Please pray for his lungs to be healed so he can breathe on his own.
Upcoming Events:
1) Don't forget - HoneyRock Round-Up is this Saturday.
2) Registration for summer 2010 camper programs is now open!